PORG International School
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Children’s summer party

PORG Ostrava held the annual Children’s Party in the last week of the school year. It was a celebration of all that our children have achieved over the last school year, with performances, speeches, games and quite a lot of ice-cream!

Our International School was well represented by our very own dance troop, whose performance you can see here.

Well done to everyone, we hope you had enough ice-cream, don’t forget to come back to get your reports and awards on the last day of school!


Stella Tomečková z PORG Ostrava

Stella Tomečková je jednou z našich nejúspěšnějších absolventek z PORG Ostrava. V současné chvíli dokončuji bakalářský program na Copenhagen Business School a Kodaň je nyní jejím druhým domovem.  

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