PORG International School
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PORG International School Book Fair

PORG International School’s Book Fair took place this week, with hundreds of excellent books to inspire our young readers and develop their English.

Every year, the book fair delivers a wide range of titles with high quality in both the content and manufacture. Children can browse the books and make a list of titles which they like, then parents can pay for them at the end of the school day.

As always, the school had the opportunity to add some books to the library to complement our lesons. This year, we have many colourful and interesting books from the fair to help children with their art and creative writing skills.



Stella Tomečková z PORG Ostrava

Stella Tomečková je jednou z našich nejúspěšnějších absolventek z PORG Ostrava. V současné chvíli dokončuji bakalářský program na Copenhagen Business School a Kodaň je nyní jejím druhým domovem.  

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