PORG Libeň
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Gymnasium Prague 8

What we do differently

A graduate of the Prague gymnasium PORG Libeň is ready to study at leading Czech and foreign universities. Heis a confident young person equipped for the challenges of professional, civic and personal life.

Projects and extracurricular activities

We all go together to a week-long project-based fall outdoor school where students get to know each other across all grades. At the beginning of the school year, the seventh graders and first graders go on a familiarization course. In summer we organize sports and sightseeing events. We also organize project days, lectures, thematic excursions or class trips.

Study abroad and foreign stays

For younger students, we arrange foreign exchanges so that they can develop their language skills and get to know the culture whose language they are learning. Older students, especially during the sextant, go on several-week or several-month study stays at our partner schools in the United States, Great Britain, France or Germany.

School prevention programme

Our school has a friendly small school atmosphere. During the school year we organize many events where we get together. We consider them to be the main educational tool and natural prevention of risky behaviour. Each class completes a series of lectures and activities during the course of their studies. These are tailor-made, prepared by a school psychologist together with an educational counsellor.


Our students achieve some of the best results in the state matriculation exams. In the school part of the exam, there are defences of final theses, which students have been working on for a long time. We also accept language certificates or AP exams as a graduation option.

PORG-gymnázium Ostrava: jazyky

Advice for universities

Our graduates have no problem getting into the colleges of their choice. They can take advantage of a special advisory programme that will not only help them choose a domestic or foreign school, but will also prepare them for the pitfalls of the admissions procedure.

Admissions to the Gymnasium Prague 8

Information about the admission procedure to the grammar school in Prague 8 and the conditions of admission to study.