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Thanksgiving Day in Kindergarten

Thanksgiving Day was celebrated on Thursday, 24th November.
In the morning, children turned into the Native Americans and the Pilgrims to play and prepare the festive meal altogether. Pumpkin Pie, baked by Tiger Class Teacher, was on the menu on that day.
Children were playing games to support their cooperative spirit. For instance, „Puff Hot Turkey Out“, „The Harvest Time“, or „Let’s Lay The Table“.
Finally, we all sat down and said what we were thankful for.
„What a nice day we had!“.
Happy Thanksgiving Day!



Stella Tomečková z PORG Ostrava

Stella Tomečková je jednou z našich nejúspěšnějších absolventek z PORG Ostrava. V současné chvíli dokončuji bakalářský program na Copenhagen Business School a Kodaň je nyní jejím druhým domovem.  

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